Chum made her acting debut with Amazon Prime Video’s Paatal Lok, directed by Avinash Arun and Prosit Roy in 2020. In 2022, she made her Bollywood film debut with Badhaai Do, where she played a pivotal role. Darang also runs her own café, ‘Cafe Chu’ in Pasighat. As a social activist, Chum was recognized by the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh for her work. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, Chum Darang opens up on “what relationship” as she comments on her bond with winner Karan Veer Mehra.
Chum Darang on Karan Veer Mehra
When asked about her relationship with Karan Veer Mehra and that she used him, Chum Darang said, “As I said before, inside the house, in life, we always need someone around, right? Someone to support us emotionally. We need someone right? So, I think Karan and Shilpa Ma’am were there for me. Karan did a lot, and I’m always thankful. But whatever happened, happened organically, and I’m glad it happened that way.”
Chum on taking her relationship with Karan outside Bigg Boss 18
When asked if she would want to take her relationship ahead with Karan outside the house, the Badhaai Do actress said, ” What relationship? You mean with Karan? We didn’t create that hashtag; people outside did. The friendship will be there, of course. We don’t know what else will happen.” Chum reacts to Karan’s win saying; “Trophy ghar aagaye”. She was also genuinely happy about his victory. “Congratulations on your victory! Congratulations, Karan! I knew you would win. And the trophy is finally home. I’m very happy.”
Interview transcribed by Akankshya Mukherjee